How to plan Work-Life Balance, adjust work-life balance

Work life Balance is the concept of balancing work and personal life. To reduce the effects of overwork which is useful for modern people Both regular work and independent careers
Benefits of having a good work-life balance
- It helps to enjoy life more as continuous hard work can have an impact in many ways.
- Better physical and mental health
- Have more quality interactions with those around you.
Work-life balance has been an employee mantra for decades. Its meaning has become engrained in our culture, as it’s brought up in discussion in ways like, “Make sure you have a good work-life balance and take time to spend with your family without working too much.”
But a change is underway that further upends the way work is viewed. Life-work balance is a new term that reflects a shift in how employees perceive the role of work in their lives. The conversation is becoming, “Family and life outside of work comes first. How can you create a work schedule that fits your lifestyle?”
Simply put, the current workforce places ufabet the highest value on flourishing in their personal lives. They are scrutinizing whether work positively impacts the equation. But this holistic revolution didn’t happen overnight.
How to create Work-Life Balance
Prof. Dr. Chawit Tanveerachaisakul Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society recommends ways to create a healthy Work-Life Balance as follows.
- Set goals for your daily activities. You should set goals and list the order of your work each day for better time management.
- Respect your own rest time. When it’s time to rest, stop thinking about work. Do not bring work home to do. Turn off the mobile phone Take time off to reward yourself for your patience and determination each day.
- Learn to decline and negotiate requests for help from your boss and co-workers to lighten your workload to help you focus and produce more quality work.
- Spend more time with the people around you. Sharing time with the people around you or your family will have a positive effect on your relationships. and helps relieve stress or suffering within the mind Therefore, you should not neglect the people around you who should be given importance.
- Pay more attention to yourself. You should allocate time to take care of your health, such as exercising and eating nutritious foods. Get enough rest. Do activities you enjoy to relieve stress. It will help your body and mind be strong and ready for work and life.